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Every year, over 90,000 samples are analysed in our labs. Without our cutting-edge laboratory equipment, which guarantees reliable results this would not be achievable. Our well educated and continuously updated personnel has the capability to make the most of the state-of-the-art equipment, that is located in all three of our laboratory facilities.

Some of the parameters tested can be distinguished in the following categories:

  • Residue Analysis in Fruits & Vegetables, Food & Feed, other more specialized substrates eg. Olive Oil

  • Contaminants analysis in various substrates such as Food & Feed, Fruits & Vegetables, Tobacco, Grains & Flours and many others.

  • Quantification of Antibiotics

  • Determination of Toxins

  • Quantification of Preservatives

  • Contaminants in water & waste

  • Radioactivity in water

The Labs of VELTIA Labs for Life are well equipped with ultramodern instruments such as LCQTOF for non target analyses, Liquid Chromatography double mass (UPLC-Ms-Ms), Gas Chromatography double mass (GC-Ms-Ms), HPLCs, GCs, , Photometer coupling plasma (ICP-OES), Atomic absorption graphite furnace (ASS-GF), Streaming Photometer (Flow Injection), Liquid Ionic Chromatograph and many more supporting instruments.

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